woensdag 15 juni 2011

Tactics part 2


- Drive to lake

- Transform camera coordinates to mars coordinates 
- Plan path to lake using map (straight if no edge detected)
- Drive to lake, approaching up to 30 cm. 
- Use camera to position marsrover straight in front of lake, turn to tactics part 3 (also when no coordinates received)

Transforming the camera coordinates to lake coordinates was enough to crash the brick time after time. The transformation of the coordinates and the path planning exist in code form but have never been tested due to the crashing. We decided to comment this part and first make sure tactics part 1 and 3 would work properly.
Tactics part 2 now turns the rover in such a way that it is standing straight in front of the lake and than turns to tactics part 3. This has been tested. All intelligence is turned off for now, we hope to be able to use it in the end, but priority is now to get it to work as simple as possible.

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